Monday 27 October 2014

Recipe Mashup: Apple Treacle Tart (Wheat Free)

Sometimes one can get a little bored in this kitchen of doing the same things, and that leads to experimentation. Sometimes experiments go very wrong, sometimes they work perfectly: this was a bit of both. So readers, I present to you the apple treacle tart!

This evolved over quite a thought process. I was trying to think of ways to make the concept of a toffee apple into a dessert, and see where that inspiration led me. I thought of toffee apple pudding, which is fairly standard, but then was led onto the concept of mixing together an apple tart and a treacle tart.

For those of you who don't know, a treacle tart is a British traditional tart made with a shortcrust case filled with a mixture of breadcrumbs, golden syrup, treacle and lemon zest; some versions include an egg,which is the one I know.

I thought I'd spruce it up by adding some apple slices on the top, thus introducing the toffee apple aspect. It tasted lovely, but the only issue was that the apples cooked too dry, and the filling was still a little unset in the middle, which led to big problems cutting the tart, There's nothing more annoying than an unset tart when it comes to cutting as it's just messy.

But, my brother and his guest really enjoyed eating it after dinner, and then the leftovers were promptly eaten by everyone else as well. So it wasn't a total disaster.

I wish I had more photos of it when it was cut, but I don't want to be that person who sacrifices sitting down and enjoying a meal with family for taking super stylish photos and bugging the Hell out of everyone.

I will be making another attempt at this recipe in the week to share properly. This is the recipe I used for this attempt, and it will be tweaked in further attempts:

For crust:
2 ounces (55 grammes) icing sugar
4 ounces (115 grammes) butter
4 ounces (115 grammes) spelt flour
2 ounces (55 grammes) cornflour
Pinch of salt

For filling:
4 ounces (115 grammes) breadcrumbs
5 ounces (140 grammes) golden syrup
1 ounce (30 grammes) treacle
1 medium egg
Pinch of salt
1 medium eating apple, sliced finely

Stay tuned for further attempts. I won't include the full recipe and method because it was a trial run.

THIS TIME LAST YEAROn Holiday until Next Monday

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